Menstruation is about the monthly shedding of the lining of a woman’s uterus or womb. It is also termed as menses, menstrual period, cycle, or period. It occurs on monthly basis and it is quite painful. This cycle is considered to begin on the first day of a period and the normal average cycle is 28 days. This cycle range in length from 21 days to about 35 days. However, it is common in girls, and its beings from the average age of 12 but in some cases, it goes not normally, and there occurs the need for a doctor.
When There Is A Need To Consult A Doctor For Menstruation??
Menstruation is normally in girls but in some cases, there is a need to consult a doctor. Here are some of the symptoms;-
❖ Not started menstruating by the age of 16
❖ Sudden stop in a period
❖ Bleeding for more days than usual
❖ Severe pain during period
❖ Feeling of sickness after using tampons
❖ The period did not happen within three months after stopping birth control pills
❖ Delay in the period after once it completed
How Kaya Kalp Clinic In Patna Helps To Stop This Issue?
Having the best and renowned team of sexologists in Patna, we have helped the girls to recover from the issues related to their monthly period. Kaya Kalp Clinic in Patna provides you with the best treatment and advice from experts that aids you to recover from all your sufferings. We are here available 24/7 to assist you whenever you are in need. Having problems in the monthly period, the only place to come over and to trust is the Kaya Kalp in Patna.